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Cobra Kai Girls Flag

Cobra Kai Girls Flag

Welcome to Cobra Kai Girls Flag , a Competitive flag football team based in Laveen, AZ, Complete the contact form to get in touch with a verified member of the team.

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About Cobra Kai Girls Flag

Based In Phoenix, AZ 

Established In 2019 

30+ Alumni In D1, D2, D3, NAIA, JUCO (Girls Flag Included) 

IG: @cobrakaifootball

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Cesar Chavez Park, Laveen, AZ

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Contact information

Send a message to a verified representative of this team to request a tryout!

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Coach Silver
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Laveen, AZ

Want to join Cobra Kai Girls Flag ?

Submit your details to connect with this flag football team and explore playing opportunities. Coaches will reach out if there’s a good fit!

Player Interest Form

Please enter the contact information of a player's parent or legal guardian.

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